Your way to your own mobile phone brand

Telekom Deutschland GmbH offers an individually fitting solution for every potential market partner via the "Mobile Wholesale" department. The different business models are differentiated by:

  • the concrete requirements of the partner in relation to the proposition

  • the respective strategic target group as well

  • the individual business case and

  • the mobile-specific depth of added value that the partner can cover.

The starting point of every cooperation discussion is always in our business usual mobile wholesale standard models

  • brand licensing,
  • branded reselling,
  • service providing and various MVNO* approaches.

Both partners bring in their strengths!

We always offer the best network quality and premium services in all Mobile Wholesale models. As a partner, you will be happy to bring along - in addition to your brand, distribution channels, access to the respective target group - additional value-adding elements and differentiation modules from your core business.



*Mobile Virtual Network Operator